What Distinguishes Ultimate Products from the Competition.
What distinguishes Ultimate Retirement Products from the competition?
Our ability to create and provide leading edge products and advice for
individuals and businesses.
(1) Our commitment to maintain the highest level of continuing education.
(2) Our regional presence in New York as well as servicing a national client base.
(3) Our responsiveness to the needs of clients.
(4) We are a client-oriented firm and place the needs of our client's first.
(5) Home of The Ultimate 401k™

Our Customers Are Employers
We make the whole investment process simple and easy for the participant. Less is more! The representative can focus on guiding the employee to make appropriate decisions regarding retirement planning, rather than discussing individual funds and how to build a diversified portfolio. Because employees do not have to select funds, negative investing behaviors such as panic selling, market timing and chasing last year's hot performers are all but eliminated.